Sunday, May 01, 2005


So, there's an election in Britain in five days time.


Just thought I'd let you know that.

Now, I'm not going to vote Tory because I'd rather scoop out my eardrum with a rusty spoon. And I'm not going to vote Labour because whatever else they did, they lied us into a war and my parents always taught me that lies must not be rewarded. And I'm not going to vote LibDem because they look like they couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery. I'm not going to vote Green because, whilst I think energy and environment will without doubt be the most pressing, overriding, enormous and terrifying challenge we face as a species in the very near future (and isn't it interesting that no one discusses this. I suppose fox hunting and hospital cleanliness is much more important), the Greens will not get my vote whilst they still ride around in hemp-powered bicycles and generally assume the cliche of Glastonbury crusty. UKIP, Veritas, BNP - nope. I rather like multiculturalism - give us more I say, it's made Britain a much better place!

But here's the problem... I can't not vote. It's like religion, I love voting. it took thousands of years for everyone to be able to get a vote and now... I'm stuffed if there's anyone there I want to give my X to. So, what to do?

Any suggestions?