Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The right guys win... Finally

Originally uploaded by octoplex.

I don't know whether Liverpool played particulary fine football or not. I don't support them. I'm an Arsenal fan. But even I was almost in tears by the end of last night's game - maybe it was the stress of seeing the possiibilty of Chelsea nick a goal everytime they drove forward (I almost wanted Liverpool to just bloody concede one at 50", when they'd still have a chance to fight back, rather than see one struck in at 93" and get utterly, unfairly screwed). Maybe it was seeing the Reds fans who just wanted it so much. Maybe it was the echoes of Liverpool's past glory somehow making there way into even my soul, but they deserved it.

Anytime in this avaricious, driven, power-worshipping society of ours - anytime where sheer passion outruns might, money and arrogance (©Jose Mourinho), even (especially) if it's ugly, inelegant, rough - that's a good day.

Mourinho did not deserve to win this: because he felt he deserved to win this. He felt that it was his due. Liverpool aren't as good as Chelsea. But they had the soul last night. Real life is very seldom like Hollywood. The gritty underdogs seldom outplay the cold cohorts. Last night they did. That's why I felt the emotion.

Now, there's no way they'll beat Milan...

But I'll still be betting on them.