Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Stone Cold Denial

So Newsweek reports that American interrogators are flushing the Koran down the shitter and anyone who's been half following the atrocities of the neo-con gulag archipeligo is saying: "Yes... Now tell me something I didn't know."

Riots across the Mid East, they retract the story, theo-cons do what they do best: self-righteous, high-decibel hypocracy. They're so good at that. Case in point, from
some idiot:

"Republicans in Congress should open an investigation of Newsweek, to determine who leaked this, what the basis was for the leak, what the motive was for the leak. If there is some basis of truth in it, we should know that. If not, we should find out who is responsible for this, and if they are government employees who circulated a lie, they should be disciplined. An appropriate committee should subpoena Isikoff and his colleagues. Make them produce all emails, notes, correspondence, telephone records. We may well find that the motive for this was partisan damage to the President. That is what I would bet on...

"We need to get to the bottom of this. The United States has just suffered a global strategic defeat akin to Abu Ghraib, and many people have lost their lives, and many more will in the future, probably all based on a complete lie."


The United States suffered a global defeat when it ignored over 50 direct threat reports through summer 2001 that a terrorist attack was credible and imminent.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it's leader displayed confusion, cowardice and moral weakness as he flew - like Penelope Pitstop - fleeing terr'ists across the length and breadth of his own country on September 11th 2001.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it allowed Osama bin Laden to escape from Tora Bora.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it failed to catch Mullah Omar.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it failed to secure a global alliance in it's so-called fail-safe case to go to war with Iraq.

The United States suffered a global defeat when Afghanistan returned to being the biggest heroin producer in the world.

The United States suffered global defeat when it entered a prolonged guerilla war in Iraq.

The United States suffered a global defeat when evidence of torture, sadism, child abuse and murder was revealed at Abu Ghraib.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it was finally ascertained that WMD did not and had not existed in Iraq.

The United States suffered a global defeat when it could no longer enlist enough troops to maintain its volunteer army.

And you blame a journalist on a magazine for this.

The hyprocracy. The self-negation. The complete, self-brutalizing denial. The willful refusal to understand where you are and therefore who you are. It's so violent, so extreme and visceral that it only has one term: pathology.

Keep telling yourself a magazine journalist is responsible for this.

Then count to 10.

And watch everything you believe in evaporate.